Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves (Feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrates)
Order: Passeriformes (passerines or perching birds) Toes; three pointing forward and one back.
Family: Thraupidae (Tanagers).

Genus/species: Sicalis flaveola


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GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Forehead and crown bright orange. Yellow head, greenish-yellow mantle and back, bright yellow underparts. Female duller above and lighter below. Black maxilla (upper beak), pale mandible (lower beak),
The legs are dark pink.

DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: Common in the South American tropics of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina. Found in open and semi-open forests and fields from lowland areas to 1850 m (6000 feet). Prefer drier areas; generally reside outside the Amazon basin.

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DIET IN THE WILD: Forage in pairs or larger groups for seeds,
insects, and plant matter.

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REPRODUCTION: Nest in tree hollows, though use nesting boxes in captivity. Female lays 3–4 white eggs; incubation, 12–14 days. Female incubates the eggs, male guards the nest. After eggs hatch, both parents feed the young, and fledging takes place in about 2 weeks.


REMARKS: Saffron finches are a favorite caged bird because of their handsome colors and pleasant song. Technically classified not a finch but as a tanager.


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