Tag Archive: tanager

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves (Feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic, egg-laying, vertebrates)
Order: Passeriformes (passerines or perching birds)
Family: Thraupidae  (Tanagers)

Genus/species: Thraupis episcopus

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS:  Blue-gray Tanagers are medium-sized light bluish gray, with brighter blue margins to the wings and tail. The wing coverts are bright blue. The bill is short and quite thick. Males and females look-alike.

Length 6.3-7.1 inches and weighs 1.1-1.4 oz.

Blue-grey tanager3151558297_1c281e57c8_b

DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: T. episcopus is from central Mexico to northern parts of Bolivia and Brazil and is common throughout much of Costa Rica. Found in semi-open habitats; often found near cultivated areas, especially fruit orchards.

DIET IN THE WILD: Omnivore feeding on insects, spiders, and fruit. Also sometimes eat flowers, leaves, and nectar.

Thraupis episcopus 3259027098_b449539716_b

REPRODUCTION: The female incubates 2 pale blue-gray eggs with brown speckles laid in open cup nest that is concealed well by vegetation for 12–14 days. Once eggs hatch, both parents feed young, which fledge in about 17 days.

LIFE SPAN: 10-15 years.

PREDATORS: Birds of prey, snakes, wild and feral cats.

SONG and MAPS:  xeno-canto  www.xeno-canto.org/species/Thraupis-episcopus?view=3


REMARKS: Pairs or groups participate in noisy singing and chattering, though the song is not particularly musical.  As fruit-eaters, these birds play an important role in seed dispersal for trees and shrubs in the tropics.

On the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, the Blue-grey Tanager is called “Blue Jean.”



California Academy of Sciences Rainforest 2017

National Aviary www.aviary.org/animals/blue-grey-tanager

Cornell Lab of Ornithology neotropical.birds.cornell.edu/portal/species/overview?p_p…

EOL eol.org/pages/1052952/details

Ron’s flickr www.flickr.com/photos/cas_docents/3151558297/in/set-72157608454346681/

Ron’s WordPress shortlink wp.me/p1DZ4b-jD

IUCN www.iucnredlist.org/details/22722527/0

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Thraupidae

Genus/species: Tangara chilensis paradisea 


GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: In Spanish, called “sieite colores” for its seven-colored appearance: green, yellow, scarlet, black, and three colors of blue feathers adorn this handsome bird. Monomorphic (males and females look similar). Length 13.5 to 15 cm 5.3 to 6 inches.

DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: South America: common in Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil. Found in the canopy and edges of subtropical to tropical lowland humid forests, including parts of the Amazon basin and upwards to 1400 m (4500 feet). Often moves in mixed flocks.

DIET IN THE WILD: Mainly fruit, buds, leaves. Forage from middle heights to treetops. Also, like other  tanagers, picks insects from leaves or sometimes takes them in flight. Often moves and feeds in mixed flocks.

Paradise Tanager   3259028446_790c536452_b

REPRODUCTION: Female builds a cup nest where she lays two or three brown or lilac-speckled white eggs. Eggs hatch in 13–14 days; chicks fledge in additional 15–16 days. Nestlings are feed insects and fruit by both male and female..

CONSERVATION: IUCN, least concern.


1-8-09, 11-11-11

flickr  http://www.flickr.com/photos/cas_docents/3259028446/in/set-72157608454346681

WordPress Shortlink  http://wp.me/p1DZ4b-15F

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Thraupidae

Genus/species: Tachyphonus phoenicius

Red-shouldered Tanager (male) 3334159981_db9f81a402_b

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Males are basically all black, with a tiny red and white patch on the shoulder region and white underwing linings. Females, are brownish gray above, while the throat and middle abdomen are white. Pairs of Red-shouldered Tanagers usually forage in close proximity, low down, but often keeping within cover. Length 16-17 cm (6.3-6.7 inches).

Male above and below

Red-shouldered Tanager (male) 3186809464_2c975c664e_o

DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Found in dry shrubland or seasonally wet or flooded lowland grassland. Also open rainforest, to 2000 m (6500 feet).

DIET IN THE WILD: Insects and fruit.

female below

Red-shouldered Tanager (female) 3105184668_a8dfdddccd_b

CONSERVATION: IUCN, least concern (population trend stable).

flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/cas_docents/sets/72157608454346681/with/3334159981/

WordPress Shortlink  http://wp.me/p1DZ4b-15y